“I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the LORD.” Psalm 118:17
Dear Friends,
We would like to offer this short devotion for 2009. May it be a source of inspiration for each of us every day of this New Year.
According to a recent study, witnessing is becoming more and more difficult for believers, notably in the West, where intolerance, under the guise of tolerance, has reached unimaginable proportions. The more we live in an environment hostile to the Gospel, the more we remain silent in order to hide behind the reigning political correctness. Those who evangelize have become a ‘rare breed’ to the extent that many Christians believe that witnessing is solely the work of pastors and evangelists who are ‘paid’ to witness and proclaim the works of the Lord.
Such thinking can cause our zeal for sharing the Good News to diminish or even to stealthily disappear. From time to time we may share what God is doing at church, in a prayer meeting or on very rare occasions. So it is not surprising that our fire for the Gospel goes out leaving behind a wisp of smoke without aroma.
In the verse 17 from Psalm 118, King David turns upside down our perspective and understanding. In singing: “I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the LORD,” he clearly linked life and witness. According to the Psalmist, this was a fact of life that needed no changing: “if a child of God lives, he must, therefore, sing and celebrate the works of the Lord.” To be alive simply means “to witness.” The interconnectedness between these two is so obvious that it leaves us no excuse, no justification for our following Jonah on his flight toward Tarsis and away from God’s will.
How often do we recount the works of God? Whenever we participate in the Lord’s Supper? Every once in a while? This verse reminds us of our “raison d’ĂȘtre,” (literally: "reason for being"), the true purpose for our existence on earth. May it not be a grudging necessity. May celebrating and sharing the works of the Lord become an integral part of our daily lives. Therefore, whether in groups, among family or by ourselves, let us all SING without ceasing. And during all the days of 2009, let us say: “If the Lord grants me life, I will proclaim his works and I will sing his praises!” It is a worthy goal and a beautiful expression of our faith!”
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009!