A view of our main meeting room:
I was assigned to be captain for team 4 - we had a competition on New Years Eve, involving several challenges, including transporting small beans across a room with a straw, stuffing one team member's mouth full of marshmallows, a quiz and blind pictionary (draw with your eyes closed, or use someone else's hand)
We had one day of outreach in the city that we were in (super cool story to follow), here is a picture of my friend Jad out with a fellow STINTer, Natalie, and another student.
When we returned to Montpellier, the unthinkable happened...it snowed! For all you Minnesotans, this is the sum total of snow that we had all season. Winter is basically over already. :-)
Here are some reflections after the conference:
as long as being captain of Team #4 didn't involve Diet Coke with Lime, I'm sure it was a good time...;-)
Oh my goodness! tmi about the confetti Laura... ;-)
And Erik, the look Erin gave you after the kissing comment was priceless.
These videos are fantastic, keep 'em coming!
I am enjoying the blog--especially the videos. I was looking forward to seeing photos of Mom and Dad. Were they really there or did they make up all of those stories? Hmmmmm
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