Yesterday Erin and I took a free tour of the Luthiers à Montpellier. We got to see a shop, and talk to one of the violinmakers, getting all the dirt on the violinmaking scene in Montpellier (including the best shops to go to if I need work done on my fiddle, and where I can buy a Baroque bow...).

Don't worry - I won't get any work like this done on my violin. I just thought these picture were cool (taken from one of the luthier's websites).
I'm hoping to connect with an orchestra in town, one that meets through the University - there may be scheduling issues with my work schedule, so pray that the Lord would work it out that I would be able to be involved somehow and that it wouldn't take up too much extra time that I would have to try to move around a lot in my schedule.
And a few shoutouts:
Thanks for posting comments, Asha and Josh! I love to hear from anyone who is reading!
Josh, this is for you:

And Hi Kelsi! You should come to France!
:-D C'est tout! (that's all!)
That's more like it Rohde!
Wow, sweet shots of the violin.
Hey Erik! We're reading too, just so you know :-) You should encourage Ms. Rippl to update her website too!
Cooool... I need to have some work done on my bow and was planning to take it in to John Waddle's soon, but maybe I should take it to Montpellier instead...
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